"Seitenblicke Night Tour" Charity Punsch

Charity-Punsch-Titel.jpg© Jürgen Hammerschmid
Alm Advent

Clemens Trischler as well as Strassl Schaider chief Peter Schaider jun. invited friends and followers to an Alm Advent to collect donation for the "Seitenblicke Night Tour" in support of 50 years of "Licht ins Dunkel". At the Punschamt, numerous celebrities supported the hot punch bar and the chestnut vending. Both hosts handed over a check of 12.000 Euros. "2022 was challenging for many families and the upcoming year will be even tougher for many. Even if we, through our effort and thanks to the support of "Licht ins Dunkel", can only help some families, this still is the most beautiful present right before Christmas.", said Clemens Trischler.  "With this donation, my family and my employees want to also congratulate "Licht ins Dunkel", who support people in need for 50 years." added Peter Schaider jun.

Along with initiator of the "Seitenblicke Night Tour", Inge Klingohr, the following supported the cause: the actors Konstanze Breitebner, Pia Baresch, Claudia Kottal and Michael Steinocher, star astrologer Gerda Rogers, the opera singers Herbert Lippert and Clemens Unterreiner, cabaret artists Andreas Ferner and Florian Roehlich, presenter Volker Piesczek, Miss Europe Beatrice Turin, celebrity dentist Kristina Worseg, the singers Maya Hakvoort and Missy May, former minister Andrea Kdolsky, enterpreneur Kathi Stumpf with her mother Elisabeth, the Ö3 host Sylvia Graf and Tom Filzer, dancing school owner Roman Svabek, ORF host Marina Kaiser, the musicians Gary Lux and Andie Gabauer, Auhof Center owner Peter Schaider sen., "Licht ins Dunkel" general manager Mario Thaler as well as John Harris owner Ernst Minar.